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Authentic Micisty Girdle Long [Due to hygiene concerns, no exchange is permissible]


Designer: Fashion Elegance Sdn Bhd


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Hi this is rm230 , authentic micisty girdle, East Malaysia postage + RM15
S/M/L/XL/XXL/XXXL nude/ black
新品提臀裤 细节详解
𝟏.3D臀型设计 提拉美臀 让臀部更加挺翘 塑造性感圆润臀型
𝟐.高腰设计 收腰收腹 零压迫感提拉 有效塑形
𝟑.无痕裤边 不勒腿 不卷边 贴身隐形不露痕迹
𝟒.面料舒适不闷热 采用进口莱卡面料 柔软舒适 清爽透气 贴身穿着 高弹防滑
𝟓.托玛琳磁石收脂瘦腰 燃烧体脂 驱寒暖宫
𝟔.石墨烯裆布 抑制细菌滋生 吸湿导湿 体贴防护 有效呵护女性健康​‎͏


💯 三片切割前幅,可以更好的贴合人体曲线






🌼提臀裤‮束配‬腰​‎͏  腰臀比‮更例‬满意! 提臀‮虽裤‬然也有瘦腰收腹‮功的‬能,但是‮果如‬是针对腰‮长腹‬期塑形效果而言,‮定肯‬是束腰效果更快‮好更‬的! 当然是‮要否‬一起穿看‮人个‬需求哦~ 即‮提使‬臀裤束腰都入了,可以一‮穿起‬,也可‮搭以‬配穿(不‮的同‬衣服搭配不同的‮身塑‬产品)


Hi is is rm230 , authentic micisty girdle, East Malaysia postage + RM15
S/M/L/XL/XXL/XXXL nude/ black

All Day Everyday High-Waisted Girdle. This girdle offers firm total waist control plus that extra bombshell feeling of secretly knowing you’re wearing a girdle. We get it – we’ve been there before! ♥️♥️♥️

Feel 100% in control and in check with high-waisted magic that sits just below your bra – this means no muffin top and comfy smoothness for days! 😉

✅Easy to put on, easy to take off
✅Tummy-taming, two-ply material
✅Instant smoothing melts muffin tops
✅Thong bottom with no visible panty lines
✅Front-to-back 360º smoothing
✅Long term waist change
✅Post-partum support
✅Corrected posture

And most importantly!!!
♥️Butt-lifting features ♥️




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